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This FAQ has been constructed from questions received by HOA Board of Directors. If you have additional questions that have not been answered here, please email



How many houses are currently in our subdivision?
There are around 292 houses currently in the neighborhood. The neighborhood was completed in early 2020.

What are our HOA dues used for?
The dues collected are used for the following:

  • Lawn service and upkeep for common areas

    • Pond/pavilion maintenance

    • Front entrance

    • Roundabout

  • Area between Old Mill Way and Vintage Way

    • Bushes and grass on street side of the fences

    • Includes both drainage ditches

  • Legal fees

    • Placing liens for unpaid dues

  • Electricity for the pump house

  • Insurance

  • Property taxes for common areas

  • Tax preparation

  • P.O. Box

What happens to the money after all expenses are paid?
The money is kept in our general account and is available for unforeseen expenses, repairs, and future projects.

Are we allowed to fish in our Pond?
Yes, our pond is open to all members of the neighborhood.

Are there any rules for using the pond?
The pond is currently catch and release only. The only fishing area is on the pavilion side of the pond and by the pump house. Please be mindful of neighbors’ yards that surround the pond and are not part of the common area.


Are boats, trailers, motorhomes, or similar items allowed in the neighborhood?

Boats, trailers, motorhomes, or similar items must be stored in a garage or behind the fence line on your property.


Are signs, flags, or other types of advertisement allowed in the neighborhood?

No signs of any kind are allowed in the neighborhood with the exception of professional real estate signs. This includes election signs, sports signs or flags, political signs or flags, or any other type of promotional sign or flag. American flags are allowed on a flag pole attached to the home.


What are the expectations for lawn and general home maintenance?

Homeowners are expected to care for their home in a reasonable manner, to include but not limited to, keeping the grass mowed below the ankle, weed eating, and keeping flower beds and bushes tidy and trimmed. Broken shutters, siding, trim, shingles, fencing, or other external features on the home should be promptly repaired. Toys, yard equipment, and other clutter should be kept behind a fence or inside a garage. General home maintenance and lawn care is critical to home value in the neighborhood.

Who can vote in elections?
Homeowners who are current with their dues have one vote per property owned (Oaks of Buena Vista Bylaws).

Where can I get a copy of current bylaws, covenants and restrictions?
These documents can be found on this website under Documents or on our Facebook group page.


How can I contact the City of Prattville regarding non-emergent situations?

The city police department has a non-emergency line: 334-361-9911. This line can be used to notify police of suspicious behavior, loose animals, etc. 

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